Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jiu Jitsu Private Lesson #2

My Private Instructor, coach, and mentor is:

Professor Brandon McDaniel

In this post I have not taken the time to explain in detail what's going on here, but still wanted to share how I prepare for my Private Lessons.  

This is my private lesson plan focusing on:

  1. Posture and Timing
  2. Develop my ROUTES from opponents TRIGGERS
  3. Work on SHUTDOWNS of PRIMARY THREATS, before progressing
  4. First always review last weeks lesson to check my adaption 

Outline: Private 6-30-12 #2

-   0% Review 6-16-12
    -  [ ] LATE ESCAPE OVER UNDER PASS - head push
-   0% Z Guard pass
           keep arm tight and low - use head to flatten - STAPLE -
           wiper to clear - SPRAWL - Shoulder of Justice - sit through
    -   0% 2 - TRIGGER KNEE BELOW STERNUM - SPRAWL and CUT-  Far hip
           control - Grip knee - Smash knee down with body - head on
           mat - hand switch to bottom leg - leg out for base - sprawl
           and twist driving hip to shin-
        -  [ ] 3 - TRIGGER STRAIGHTENS LEG TO HALF GUARD -  Keep knee
               pinned - KNEE CUTS THROUGH - head stays down - attack
               arm - head slides up body
        -  [ ] 4 - TRIGGER 2 - STOPS NO LEG STRAIGHTEN - after sprawl
               he stops - keep head down - hold his knee down - wiper
               and staple - knee slide to his hip - TRIGGER HIS LEG
               STILL IN MY WAY - switch grip to top knee - HOP OVER TO
               BACK - cover with chest
    -  [ ] 5 - TRIGGER KNEE ON STERNUM - LEG DRAG - break grip - hold
           knees and heel - disconnect my knee back - steering wheel -
           STEP BACK IN TIGHT- drive knee to his ribs - COVER LEG WITH
           ELBOW and body trapping with my arm - other grip over back
           to collar - hook his leg - staple his lower leg - move to
           his back
    -  [ ] 6 - TRIGGER I AM STUCK - grab under bottom knee - other
           hand on hip - post leg out - to a ball of foot squat - curl
           elbow inside POP his knee - UNDERHOOK and KNEE CUT THROUGH
-   0% Half-guard sweeps
    -  [ ] Brandon's butterfly hook from deep
-   0% RUN THE PIPE - Single 1
    -   0% SETUP - Grip and foot movement - GET COMMITMENT ON FRONT
           LEG STEP
        -  [ ] Keep my feet brushing the ground
    -   0% FRONT LEG CLOSE - pull his ARMS UP to lighten weight - STEP
           OUTSIDE - drive in with HEAD INSIDE - when ready SWITCH
           AND DRIVE
               HUG - SHOULDER - STEP - HEEL TURN
-  [ ] LEG WRAP - SINGLE 2 - same - LEG WRAP - HEAD INSIDE - HUG -       DRIVE

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Optimize Training Gains - Part 1

As BJJ practitioners, how do we know what stress level will deliver the most benefit from all the work we do and avoid the potential for injury or decreased performance?

Part 1 we must understand how stress or lack of stress effects our body - the topic of this post.

Part 2 we need to learn how to monitor relative levels of stress in our training and recovery programs - next post

What is Physical Stress Theory (PST)?

In researcher speak, "the basic premise of the PST is that changes in the relative level of physical stress cause a predictable adaptive response in all biological tissue."

What does PST mean for the BJJ practitioner?

  • Stress includes: warmups, rolling, drilling, movement, conditioning, recovery, rest, layoff for injury, etc.  Resting is a low level of stress and competition is a high level of stress

  • PREDICTABLE RESPONSE: Changes in the relative level of stress on our body causes a predictable response - positive or negative - regardless of our desired outcome - SEE CHART ABOVE

    1. WE REGRESS: Too little stress leads to atrophy and reduced ability to move and perform at the same level
    2. WE MAINTAIN: Each of us has a different baseline requirement of stress to maintain our current level of fitness.  Maintaining a competition level of fitness requires a higher level of stress than non-competitive practice.
    3. WE IMPROVE: The right level of increased stress causes our body to adapt to performing at higher levels
    4. WE GET INJURED: Too much stress (overload) will lead to injury

How does this help me (and hopefully you) train smarter?

As an athlete you know that to get stronger, faster, and more fit, you must train at levels above your current comfort zone.  Stress the body and mind, the body adapts and recovers, and your ready for the next gain - if it was only that easy to get it right.

Stress is absolutely necessary for us to improve.  Too little stress and we go backwards, too much may result in injury.  Stress that remains in the body can build up over time and cause reduced performance and eventually lead to injury that seems to come out of nowhere.

If you've hung in there this long here comes the punch line...

The (4) Day Training Cycle, Stress Conversion, Strain Prevention

From my previous post, remember the (4) day training cycle

  1. Peak day - STRESS LOADING - high intensity, Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) at 8-10 on scale of 1-10
  2. Recovery day - STRAIN PREVENTION - no intensity, RPE 1-2
  3. Balance Growth day - STRESS REDUCTION - low intensity, RPE 3-4
  4. Moderate day - TECHNIQUE MASTERY - moderate intensity - RPE 5-7
We load the body with stress (Peak Day 1), then use movement and joint mobility to cause rapid adaptation to the stress (Recovery Day 2), then use specific compensatory movements (yoga) to balance growth and remove the parking brake from your high-performance output (Balance Growth Day 3), and finally ramp up our output to get ready for another peak performance (Moderate Day 4)

This routine supercharges our ability get all of the positive growth from our workouts (stress) and keep in check the potential negative effects of stress build-up and proneness to injury or chronic pain.

Where to start applying this knowledge in your weekly program?

  1. MORNING: Daily joint mobility routine first thing in the morning - follow along videos here - Scott Sonnon - IntuFlow
  2. BEFORE CLASS: Joint mobility warm-ups before BJJ class - ask me to guide you through some movements to help your trouble spots
  3. AFTER CLASS: When you repeat a BJJ movement or position enough times to feel tension in your body, then make sure to Release the Tension by stretching (yoga) the tense body part in the functional opposite direction - ask me at class to show you and it will make sense
  4. The Warrior Yoga routine that some of you tried after Tuesday class was a Release Tension - Stress Reduction routine.
I use this knowledge and program to keep my 55 year old body coming back to the mat on a consistent basis.  Yes there are always setbacks, but applying this program has provided me a much greater awareness of what's going on in my body and how to adjust my training to get the most out of my BJJ practice.  

More to come in future posts...
Part 2 - Optimize Gains with Intuitive Training - how to self-monitor stress and technique to keep your high-performance body and mind healthy and always ready for more growth

More Research on PST if you're not bored already...

The following Physical Stress Theory research article is an excerpt from:

  Table 1.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

4 Days to Peak Performance

Using the (4) Day Training Cycle for Peak Performance
We all struggle with how to fit all the exercises we want to do into an integrated program. We also want to get maximum results with minimum time.  My master conditioning coach Scott Sonnon says:
"4x7 observes the powerful tendencies of our biochemistry to adapt to stress according to the Fibonacci sequence. Coupled together with the four day cycle, as your entire neural, endocrine and immune super-systems adapt as one organism, the period of rest grows smaller.

Later in this post you can see my weekly schedule for Month 1 training cycle.  This is based on a 4x7 protocol to optimize gains every (4) days.

Key Highlights of my 4x7 Program

4 categories of training:
  1. Mind - meditation
  2. Recovery - joint mobility, yoga, myofascial release
  3. BJJ - class, privates, drillling, (need to add study)
  4. Conditioning - Tactical fitness , cycling
4 day cycle (repeated)
  1. Peak day - STRESS LOADING - high intensity, Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) at 8-10 on scale of 1-10
  2. Recovery day - STRAIN PREVENTION - no intensity, RPE 1-2
  3. Balance Growth day - STRESS REDUCTION - low intensity, RPE 3-4
  4. Moderate day - TECHNIQUE MASTERY - moderate intensity - RPE 5-7
Daily Primary Goal (most important to complete)
  1. Monday - Recuperate
  2. Tuesday - Yoga
  3. Wednesday - Tactical fitness
  4. Thursday - BJJ Competition training
  5. Friday - Yoga
  6. Saturday - BJJ technique
  7. Sunday - BJJ drilling
Journaling (not shown)
  1. Intuitive training - tracks Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Technique (RPT), and Discomfort (RPD) for every workout - this is really important to reap the benefits of the 4 day cycle
  2. Feeling / Observations - track how the body and mind are responding
  3. Diet / Supplements - track proper nutrition and hydration
  4. Physical Stats - Weight, resting heat rate to gauge recovery
Feel free to post a question or see me at the gym if you want to talk about how your current training program could achieve 4 Days to Peak Performance

The 4 x 7 revolutionary fitness formula is available here: 4x7: The Magic in The Mundane

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wise Old Warrior

At 55 years young, I must approach my Jiu Jitsu with a different mindset and objectives.

Wise Old Warriors BJJ Manifesto
I love the Jiu Jitsu lifestyle and camaraderie, but I don’t have the time or physical attributes to train as frequently and recover as fast as the younger gym rats. 
Correct POSTURE and TIMING is the foundation of my jiu-jitsu game that allows me to keep pace with even much younger, more athletic guys for years to come… And it is what allows me to continue to do BJJ effectively and safely for years to come… 
It is the characteristic that defines the greatest BJJ champions.
As promised more information on:

The Performance Diagnostic Trinity (PDT) was developed by Master Coach Scott Sonnon (International Fitness Coach and Sambo World Champion) to improve performance in combat athletes.  

"According to the PDT model, a combat athlete with superior conditioning and toughness can overcome one of superior skills; one of superior toughness and skills can overcome one of superior conditioning; one of superior skills and conditioning can overcome one or superior toughness." - 3DPP Manual Productions

I will develop superior conditioning and skills and work on my toughness through competition.  

To learn more about how to achieve high-performance in combat sports purchase The Three Dimensional Performance Pyramid from RMAX International.

JOURNAL -  Week of June 11, 2012

How did I do on my goals this week?
  1. Develop a 9 month plan to guide my training - COMPLETE
    1. Competition - Sign up for multiple divisions when possible to get more experience - I can choose to compete in all or less as the day unfolds
  2. Refresh my Game Plan (Mind Map) - in process 
  3. Consider how the following fits in my overall plan:
    1. Weekly BJJ classes - 3 x week
    2. Weekly private lessons - 1 x week with Professor Brandon McDaniel - first lesson on Saturday, June 16
      1. Route/triggers this week from tournament video review: 
      • Shutdown - double underhook pass
      • Defense - north/south escape using bridge and knees in - (2) variations
      • Defense - head push transition when 1/2 guard is being passed
      • Shutdown - leg hug pass
      • Offense - combat base space control and knee slide pass to either side
    3. Weekly drilling (separate from class) - need to find a primary drilling partner
    4. Tournament schedule leading up to Pan JJC - (1) competition every 4-6 weeks - next is July 14th Buckeye Border International
    5. Tacfit Conditioning - 1 x week start with Tacfit Survival 
    6. RECOVERY - 2 x week  1) Recuper8 Program 2) Warrior Yoga (Prasara)
    7. Galvao's - "Drill to Win" Available here: Amazon Books - with drilling partner work on Side Escape Drills 2 per session
    8. Jason Sculley's - "Solo Grappling Drills" -  1 x week - Takedown solo drills for conditioning, repetition, level change, and penetration

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Putting First things First

My personal experience has proven that significant accomplishments in life are much more likely to happen when you have a written plan and monitor progress.  One of my favorites quotes I found many years ago is: 

"Vision - If you can't imagine it, you can never do it.  In my experience, the image always precedes the reality" - Marilyn King, two time Olympic pentathlete

More on the PDT in a future post...

Here is a story that illustrates how to keep the "small stuff" from sabotaging the most important things in your life

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2" in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "Yes."

The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and proceeded to pour their entire contents into the jar - effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, and your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter - like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. “The small stuff."

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.

Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented.

The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers.

Eric Twigg
"DARE to Win"

Monday, June 11, 2012

I choose DARE TO WIN!

Today is the first day of my Journey to 2013 Pan Jiu Jitsu Championship.  I have approximately 9 months to train my mind, body, and spirit to uncover my full potential.

Over the last 6 weeks I have tested myself in three tournaments, Machado Canadian Open, Ribeiro Toledo Open, and Caique Hoosier Open, and lost every match.  However, this experience has clearly shown me the great potential to improve in every aspect of my Jiu Jitsu.  

Goals for Week of June 11, 2012

  1. Develop a 9 month plan to guide my training
  2. Refresh my Game Plan (Mind Map)
  3. Consider how the following fits in my overall plan:
    1. Weekly BJJ classes
    2. Weekly private lessons
    3. Weekly drilling (separate from class)
    4. Tournament schedule leading up to Pan JJC
    5. Tacfit 26 (and other Tacfit programs)
    6. Circular Strength Training (CST) - RECOVERY, Integration of Breath, Movement, and Structure
    7. Galvao's - "Drill to Win" Available here: Amazon Books
    8. Jason Sculley's - "Solo Grappling Drills"
Video: Introduction to TACFIT